What changes are planned in the Tax Code for 2025, and what provisions will remain unchanged?
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5 min

Main tax rates for 2025
VAT – 12%;
basic income tax rate – 15%;
personal income tax – 12%;
property tax for legal entities – 1.5%;
land tax for agricultural land – 0.95%;
social tax – 12% (for budget organizations – 25%);
turnover tax – 4%.
Major changes
VAT (Value Added Tax)
The procedure for VAT refund on exports is simplified: the basis will be electronic data from customs authorities.
Some VAT benefits are canceled, including:
for public associations of persons with disabilities;
for the transportation of passengers at uniform rates.
The turnover from the sale of state property, including undeveloped non-agricultural land plots on the right of ownership, is exempt from VAT.
Excise tax
The excise tax on mobile communication services is cancelled (before the amendments, the tax rate was 10%).
It is envisaged to equalize excise tax rates for local producers and importers:
on tobacco products;
on ethyl alcohol;
on alcoholic beverages.
The excise tax rates on petroleum products are indexed by 10%.
The zero rate on profit tax for the export of goods (services) is cancelled. Export revenues will be included in the tax base for turnover tax.
The following rates are set for the e-commerce sector:
10% – on profit tax;
3% – on turnover tax.
Fixed turnover tax
Established for a turnover of:
no more than 500 million soums – 30 million soums;
over 500 million soums. – 40 million soums.
This tax regime will be in effect until January 1, 2026.
Property tax
The minimum value for calculating the tax base for property tax is increased:
in Tashkent – 3.3 million soums per 1 sq. m;
in Nukus and regional centers – 2.2 million soums per 1 sq. m;
in other populated areas – 1.3 million soums per 1 sq. m.
Property tax rates for individuals are indexed by 10%.
Land tax for legal entities and individuals
Tax rates are indexed by an average of 10%.
IT sector support
Benefits for IT Park residents, valid until 2028, are extended until 2040 for:
legal entities with an export volume of more than 50%;
training centers providing IT educational services, more than 50% of whose graduates over 18 years of age are employed by exporting enterprises during the calendar year.
The dividend tax rate is reduced to 5% for founders of non-resident companies with exports of more than 50%.
Tax incentives are introduced for non-residents providing services to residents of the IT park.
Social support
A preferential social tax rate of 1% is established for employed members of low-income families.
A reduced personal income tax rate and social tax (1%) is introduced for students of schools, colleges and technical schools.
Tax holidays are provided for young entrepreneurs in the field of mobile trade.
Nature management
Tax rates for the use of water resources are indexed.
Incentive coefficients are introduced for the implementation of water-saving technologies.
New tax rates for the use of subsoil are established.
An important procedural change: from 2025, any changes in tax rates or benefits must be introduced only from the beginning of the year.
This concerns, among other things, changes aimed at:
digitalization of tax administration;
stimulating the development of the IT sector;
social support for the population;
rational use of natural resources;
leveling the playing field for local producers and importers;
ensuring the stability of local budgets.
The new legislative provisions will come into force in stages throughout 2025, which will allow businesses and tax authorities to adapt to the changes in a calmer manner.
Published by: Rakhmatullaev A