useful articles and news

What changes are planned in the Tax Code for 2025, and what provisions will remain unchanged?

Main tax rates for 2025 VAT – 12%;basic income tax rate – 15%;personal income tax...

Business opening procedure for foreigners

Recommendations of the Turan OS company on business registration for foreign citizens in the Republic...

Today, many industries have started to take their own form of business. No matter where you go, no matter which door you turn to, various services are offered to you. Be it a government office or private enterprises

In particular, Outsourcing (Outsourcing) services are becoming one of the areas that are becoming increasingly...

I am accountant

Due to the fault of my accountant, the tax service fined me 1.5 billion soums....

По каким критериям определяется система налогообложения ИП в Узбекистане

Для индивидуальных предпринимателей предусмотрено несколько предпринимателей предусмотрено несколько видов налогов в зависимости от размера годового...

По каким критериям определяется система налогообложения ИП в Узбекистане

estie, mauris nec dictum condimentum, sem metus lobortis orci, vitae auctor nunc ante et nunc....

What criteria determine the taxation system for individual entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan

Any business needs control over expenses and income. Without a properly organized control process, it...